My Order is on Hold. What does this mean?

From fraud checks and auth codes to EORI, VAT and PID numbers. We've got it broken down for you here


Last Update 2 years ago

You're probably here because your order is on hold and you don't know why. Or maybe you do, but don't understand how to get it released. We hope this article helps clear things up so we can get your order out to you as quickly as possible

Fraud Checks

When you place your order, our system will run a series of checks on your payment. This procedure is in place to protect our customers from potential online fraud. If our system notices the delivery and billing address don't match up, our system will flag up your payment (and alert us). We will have contacted you to let you know that this has happened. When this does happen, our merchant bank will hold on to the funds until we've resolved this situation with you. 

Please rest assured this is put in place to protect our customers. We understand it's frustrating and we appreciate your help with this. Oh, and just so you know - this is for new customers only (so you only have to do this the first time you order with us!)

Did my payment go through?

Yes, your payment has gone through successfully. You can double check this by having a look at your online banking. You will notice the funds have left your account. However, we don't have your funds yet. The money is being held by our merchant bank while the fraud hold is in place. They're a neutral third party who will keep your money safe until we know it's all good to proceed with your order, and that no one is using your payment details fraudulently. 

How can I get the hold lifted?

To determine whether the customer (you) is the registered card holder, we request that you retrieve an 'auth code' from your bank. Only the bank has this code, and only the registered card holder will be able to make contact with the bank and access this. An auth code is a unique 6 digit code assigned to every transaction. It is used by banks to identify transactions, but it wont be available to you through online banking apps or statements. It's a code which usually goes under the radar, and you will need to call your bank to retrieve it

The bank wont give me my auth code?

Don't worry if this happens. We understand it's frustrating, but we have found our customers usually become successful in their pursuit of the auth code when they ask to speak to someone else (maybe try asking for... the manager!) - or just a more senior employee will do

I've got my auth code. What now?

Please let us know what code you've been given so we can send it to our merchant bank. They also have the auth code, and if yours matches theirs, they'll release the funds to us. When we have your funds, we can process your order and get it out to you. We look forward to hearing from you with your code!

EORI Numbers

If you're reading this, you're probably not located in the UK. We get it, there's a few grey areas since Brexit and we've been working really hard to find the most cost effective, efficient and reliable routes to export our parts and get them over to you.

However, in order to import goods into other countries we will need to pass on the recipient's EORI and VAT numbers to the customs office to ensure your parcel passes through the border. If we ship without these numbers, the parcel comes straight back to us. Trust us when we say this is tried and tested. But, you learn through your mistakes!

Side note: this information only for shipments going to commercial addresses. If you're at a residential address you will not need to provide this information

What is an EORI number?

An Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is used to identify companies doing business in the EU. If you're in the EU and have a business, you'll have an EORI number

Isn't that just a VAT number?

No, the VAT number is used to access taxes. If your company is VAT registered then your EORI number will be linked

How can I find my EORI number?

When you applied for an EORI it will have been sent to you, either via email or post for safe keeping. It is formed using the ISO country code (EU member state) and a maximum of 15 digits.

PID Numbers

This is a personal identification number which we might ask for when shipping to residential addresses in some locations. The same rules apply as above. We can't ship without it (well we can but we can guarantee it wont reach you). Just send it over to us via email when we contact you and we will get you all sorted!

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