EORI, VAT and PID Numbers

What these numbers are, why we need them and where to find them


Last Update 2 years ago

If you're reading this, you're probably not located in the UK. We get it, there's a few grey areas since Brexit and we've been working really hard to find the most cost effective, efficient and reliable routes to export our parts and get them over to you.

However, in order to import goods into other countries we will need to pass on the recipient's EORI and VAT numbers to the customs office to ensure your parcel passes through the border. If we ship without these numbers, the parcel comes straight back to us. Trust us when we say this is tried and tested. You learn through your mistakes!

What is an EORI number?

An Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is used to identify companies doing business in the EU. If you're in the EU and have a business, you'll have an EORI number. Side note: this information only for shipments going to commercial addresses. If you're at a residential address you will not need to provide this information

Isn't that just a VAT number?

No, the VAT number is used to access taxes. If your company is VAT registered then your EORI number will be linked

How can I find my EORI number?

When you applied for an EORI it will have been sent to you, either via email or post for safe keeping. It is formed using the ISO country code (EU member state) and a maximum of 15 digits.

PID Numbers

This is a personal identification number which we might ask for when shipping to residential addresses in some locations. The same rules apply as above. We can't ship without it (well we can but we can guarantee it wont reach you). Just send it over to us via email when we contact you and we will get you all sorted!

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